Inactivate Funding Source Services
Ability to archive or inactivate a service at the funding source level so that it no longer appears by default (similar to inactivating a staff member) and cannot be selected for new/updated client services.

Brooke Ray commented
I totally would LOVE to see this implemented! We also need to be able to prioritize the funding sources in the system so the first or primary insurance will always open first and let us select secondary or tertiary<sp insurance manually. As it stands now, it seems to prioritize by the effective date on the insurance and that may not be the primary. IE Tenncare may have been effective as secondary payor for 10 yrs but the primary insurance was effective just for 2 yrs. Regardless when it is put into CodeMetro, the Primary should always populate and open in contract, enrollment and services FIRST unless we manually select to view the secondary or other insurance choices. That is just my op.
Lauren Szenina commented
The ability to make old services inactive so they don't show up as options for services provided by therapists, or as options in the funding sources. We are not going to use Bundled ABA Therapy services now that the CPT codes have been updated, but it still shows up in all the lists, and the lists are getting long.