BCAT Supervision Tracking
A feature to track supervision and training hours for the BCAT (Board Certified Autism Technician) developed by the Behavioral Intervention Certification Council (BICC).
It serves a similar purpose to the RBT certification/license & and Supervision requirements appear to be almost identical.
The only missing functionality appears to be the required BCAT form in which supervision is to be documented.
Pulled from the BICC's website - see Notes for link:
"Each BCAT shall be supervised for no less than 5% of the service hours in which the BCAT implements a treatment plan using the principles of ABA. Supervision may be conducted via the Internet. Must include a minimum of 2 face-to-face sessions every 30 days, with the supervisor observing at least of the two contacts."

Gayle Morency commented
The BCAT also allows individual to give supervision while they also require supervision. So it's a two fold process that they would need to be able to give and receive.
Kyle Holland commented
This could be great too if it allowed the ability to both provide and require supervision like RBT. If it conflicts with previous RBT Flex reports, maybe a separate report for BCAT might be in needed too.