Allow deletion of unsynced Catalyst time sheets
Not sure if this should fall under billing, but since it effects billing accuracy I put it here. There needs to be a mechanism in which you can delete unused or unwanted Catalyst time sheets in the NPA works Catalyst sync screen. This should also effect unwanted/unused Clients and Employees.
For example, we have to create catalyst accounts for parents to record data. When you open the sync screen, all of the parent accounts are there and look like unsynced employees.
Another example is when there is a mistake in a Catalyst time sheet/SOAP note. Even if the error note is deleted, it will still show as not synced to an appointment. By allowing manual deletion of these unused sync notes, I am able to track if RBTs or analysts enter notes late or after I pull my reporting. This will also help for assessments since the billing and appointments are not entered for Medicaid clients until a few weeks after the assessment is performed, due to a delay in the auth.
It would also help to delete unused clients, who were either denied the auth for assessment, or was mistakenly entered as a duplicate in Catalyst.