WebABA Practice Management System
74 results found
Option in Bulk Verification Report to Include Terminated Clients
It is difficult to produce historical data in the form of PVR's if a subset of clients are terminated/no longer active.
An option, such as a checkbox, in the PVR window that would allow users to include these terminated clients, would be much more convenient than the alternative (re-activating each client)1 vote -
A validation report that pulls appt validation error details.
We can run a report a see their is an error in the appt but not full details. Then we need to run a schedule check to find the error. It would be nice to pull this data from one report.
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1 vote
Include client/funding source subtotals in the Billing Ledger flex report
Include client and funding source subtotals in the Billing Ledger flex report. We would like to use Code Metro as a replacement for our current Claims Tracker (excel spreadsheet), but in order to have full functionality, we need to be able to pull subtotals per client and funding source for each month of service easily.
1 vote -
Billing Ledger Flex Report additional parameter to pull by client.
Revenue cycle manager in office would like to pull the billing ledger per kiddo to see all items billed in a period of time with out the need to pull all kiddos in the same funding source.
2 votes -
Flex report of active clients in a specified period of time.
A flex report that will pull a client roster for a specified period of time.
Suggested by Christy Zaucha of Laurie Singer Behavioral Services.
5 votes -
Option to exclude Make Up Reference dates on Contract Fulfillment report
An option to exclude make up reference dates on the contract fulfillment report and instead have them show up on the actual appointment date.
76401 vote -
Report for accessed Client Records
A report that tracks who has accessed a client record with time stamps, as well as a denoting what fields of the client record were modified and by whom.
86401 vote -
Allow custom flex reports
There should be an option to add any data point to any flex report. For example, You should be able to add client DOB and account number to the insurance billing claims tracker, however they are not part of the column options. By allowing to import any data point in the column option, you should be able to build any report than you want. You would still have your default base reports, similar to what you have now, but giving us the power to manipulate the data in any way we see fit can solve 90% of the requests about…
2 votes -
Show authorization start and end date for reports
Before NPA was updated, we were able to see when the client authorization started and when it ended. This really helped staff know when to start writing progress reports.
3 votes -
Restrict appts in Contract Fulfillment to contract start/end dates
It would be great to have an option for the Contract Fulfillment flex report to restrict the data returned to show just the dates of the active contract only.
This is because sometimes appointments are recurred way past the end of the contract end date, and these additional appointments can distort the report results.
4 votes -
ability to run flexible reports on just one client (patient)
Ability to run reports on just one child/patient.
The lack of this feature makes it slightly labor intensive when I just want to look at the history of one patient. Which I want to do all the time. Please add this feature!
8 votes -
Daily Service Log Option with Session Notes
An option Daily Service Log, that includes fields for appointment Activity and Result Notes. SELPA and Kaiser Permanente funding sources stipulate the need to provide session information that displays Staff + Guardian Signatures, Session Notes, the Client, Staff, Appt. Start + End Times, Date, Service provided
12 votes -
Request for Custom Flex Report
FirstName, LastName, Email, Birthday (DOB), GuardianFirstName, GuardianLastName, PhoneHome, PhoneCell, PhoneWork, PhoneFax, Gender, AddressLine1, AddressLine2, City, StateProvince, ZipPostalCode, Country, SocialSecurityNumber(Optional), PrimaryTypeOfInsurance, PrimarySubscriberPolicyIdNumber, PrimaryInsuredFirstName, PrimaryInsuredMiddleInitial, PrimaryInsuredLastName, PrimaryInsuredAddress, PrimaryInsuredCity, PrimaryInsuredState, PrimaryInsuredZip, PrimaryInsurancePhone, PrimaryInsuredBirthdate, PrimaryInsuredGender, PrimaryRelationType, PrimaryInsuranceCompanyName, PrimaryPlanName, PrimaryGroupNumber, PrimarySponsorSSN, PrimaryCoPayType, PrimaryCoPayAmount, PrimaryCoPayFrequency, PrimaryCoPayFrequency, PrimaryCoverageStartDate, PrimaryCoverageEndDate, PrimaryStatus, PrimaryNotes, SecondaryTypeOfInsurance, SecondarySubscriberPolicyIdNumber, SecondaryInsuredFirstName, SecondaryInsuredMiddleInitial, SecondaryInsuredLastName, SecondaryInsuredAddress, SecondaryInsuredCity, SecondaryInsuredState, SecondaryInsuredZip, SecondaryInsuredPhone, SecondaryInsuredBirthDate, SecondaryInsuredGender, SecondaryRelationType, SecondaryInsuredCompanyName, SecondaryPlanName, SecondaryPlanId, SecondaryGroupNumber, SecondarySponsorSSN, SecondaryCoPayType, SecondaryCoPayAmount, SecondaryCoPayFrequency, SecondaryCoverageStartDate, SecondaryCoverateStartDate, SecondaryCoverageEndDate,SecondaryStatus, SecondaryNotes, ClientDiagnosisCode, Region, UCI Number, BHPN ID
3 votes -
I haven't been able to access reports in NPA yet. I've emailed and called, and no one is returning call/messages. Can someone help me ?
We need access to client reports. I was told that reports are in NPA, but haven't been able to access reports in NPA yet. I've left messages, and no one is returning email or calls. Also would be nice is report could be generated/accessed that shows total hours used and left for the month, and total sessions canceled by parent/client/staff. A list of service dates/hours would be easier than having to click on each day separately, and adding everything up. If this is all available here somewhere, training on how/where to access everything would be very helpful.
1 vote -
More Flex Reports for Team Organization
Flex reports that show more information about the teams. We would like to see a flex report that shows us the students (clients) assigned to each team member. We would also like to see a flex report that shows the relationship between team members.
3 votes -
Service Time in Contract Fulfillment or Appointments Admin - Parameter for Appts. Within Auth
A Column Option should be added to the Contract Fulfillment report that reflects service time whether rendered or not.
A Parameter on the Appointments Admin report that gives the user the ability to restrict displaying service appointments within a client's current contract start and end auth dates.
1 vote -
Flex Report - Client Contract List - Please add OOP MAX to the Column Options
Flex Report - Client Contract List - Please add OOP MAX to the Column Options
1 vote -
Replacement to Notes & Issues with ability to organize notes and attachments into patron-defined folders and set permission for who can access those folders.
6 votes -
34 votes
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